As a human with a big interest in technology, I have participated in a few hackathons. On this page, I will list all the hackathon projects I worked on in the past. This page’s purpose is to make it simple to link to all the projects I worked on.

Almost all my software development skills in the area of frontend, backend and mobile app development was initially learned during hackathons. This is the primary reason why I love hackathons so much. They are a great way to learn new things and meet new people.

The project webpages/hosting/apis are most likely not available anymore, so the github links are the only thing I can point to.


Bern-Hackt 2023

In this years edition of Bern-Hackt we created canary, a device that enables to connect smoke detectors with an acoustic signal to the internet. A canary allows you to register phone numbers which want to receive an sms in case of an alarm.

The alarm detection is done by a microphone connected to an esp32, which then utilizes FFT (Fast-Fourier-Transformation) to detect if the exact frequency of the smoke detector is present. If this is the case, the esp32 sends a message to a backend, which then sends an sms to the registered phone numbers.

Registering a phone number is done by entering the device id and the phone number in the FLutter based webapp.

There are no plans to continue this project, and the code is not available on GitHub.

Hack Zurich 2022 link

We participated in Hack Zurich 2022 as a team of 5 people and embarked on a hardware-based project. Our goal was to create an RC car with a camera mounted on it to explore office spaces. To achieve this, we used a Raspberry Pi, a camera, and 3D printed parts. One of the exciting features of our project was live-streaming the camera feed directly to a Flutter app, allowing users to monitor the exploration remotely.

Bern-Hackt 2022 link

In Bern-Hackt 2022, I was part of a team consisting of 3 members. Our project aimed to create a Progressive Web App (PWA) designed to assist people without a green thumb in managing their plants in a garden effectively. Even though I could only participate for about 8 hours, we made significant progress during that time.

YB-Hackathon 2021 link

Our focus during the YB-Hackathon 2021 was on developing a web app that could enhance the ridesharing experience. We wanted to optimize the process of finding suitable rideshare options for users. Throughout the event, we worked hard to create a user-friendly and efficient solution. If you want to see what we came up with, you can find the project’s repository on GitHub.

YB-Hackathon 2020 link

During the YB-Hackathon 2020, our team worked on a tool that would help the staff working at the EWB (Engineers Without Borders) support center in finding the right person to talk to. Our tool aimed to streamline communication and improve the overall support process. If you’re curious about our project, the code is available on GitHub.